Competition and Markets Authority guidance: part 1
Detail of outcome
The final guidance documents have now been published, following consultation:
- Mergers: guidance on the CMA’s jurisdiction and procedure, together with related template documents
- Market studies and market investigations: supplemental guidance on the CMA’s approach
- Administrative penalties: statement of policy on the CMA’s approach
- Cost recovery in telecoms price control references: guidance on the CMA’s approach
- Transparency and disclosure: statement of the CMA’s policy and approach
Responses to the consultations on each of these guidance documents are published below, together with the CMA’s summary of and views on those responses.
The CMA has also published two further final guidance documents:
Due to its relevance to the mergers and markets guidance documents in ‘part 1’, the final guidance document Remedies: guidance on the approach to the variation and termination of merger, monopoly and market undertakings and orders. This was originally consulted on as part of the ‘Competition and Markets Authority guidance: part 2’ consultation. The responses to the consultation on that guidance document and the CMA’s summaries of those responses have also been published. Other final guidance from that consultation will be published at a later date.
Transitional arrangements: guidance on the CMA’s proposed approach – Part 1. This compiles the final explanations of the CMA’s proposed approach to transitional arrangements that were previously included in the consultation drafts of the guidance documents referred to above.
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
The consultation on “Competition and Markets Authority guidance: part 1” has concluded. The CMA’s summary of responses and the individual responses received for each consultation document are now published.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation sets out how the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) will work in practice, and how it will interact with businesses and individuals across the range of its powers and responsibilities. Views on the consultation documents are welcomed from businesses, their legal and other advisers, and other interested parties.
This is the first tranche of consultation documents and there will be a second tranche in September. This tranche is made up of one introductory document and the five guidance documents:
- Towards the CMA: a document setting out the background to the CMA and the context for the guidance upon which the CMA is consulting
- Mergers: guidance on the CMA’s jurisdiction and procedure
- Market studies and market investigations: supplemental guidance on the CMA’s approach
- Administrative penalties: statement of policy on the CMA’s approach
- Cost recovery in telecoms price control references: guidance on the CMA’s approach
- Transparency and disclosure: statement of the CMA’s policy and approach
The guidance documents in these consultations are being produced in parallel with new and amended Statutory Instruments on the details of the competition regime, on which the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills is consulting separately: Competition regime: CMA priorities and draft secondary legislation.