Consultation outcome

Consultation on changes to HMRC statistics publications

This consultation has concluded

Read the full outcome

Detail of outcome


HMRC recognises that it is important to engage with our statistical publication users regularly and to consider whether our publications remain of high value to them. Hence, we embarked on a consultation exercise to propose changes to our large range of statistical publications.

The aims of the proposals were to ensure that HMRC:

  • continues to produce useful and relevant statistics for use by our stakeholders, adding to our existing statistics where appropriate
  • adapts statistics publications to reduce what we produce for those which are no longer widely used, are duplicated elsewhere, or could be produced less frequently

HMRC published a public consultation on the proposed changes on 24 October 2022. The consultation closed on 16 January 2023. HMRC actively approached known users of its statistics to encourage responses, to ensure a wide range of views were received.

HMRC is grateful for the engagement of stakeholders in this consultation. We received over 20 responses to the consultation from a range of statistics users. HMRC has taken account of responses from statistics users and is therefore making a number of changes to statistical publications as set out in this consultation response.

HMRC also ran a statistics consultation in 2021 indicating our intention to reduce the volume of statistical publications produced in order to focus on the quality of those statistics. This formed part of our work to respond to the review of HMRC statistics, Strengthening the quality of HMRC’s official statistics published by the Office for Statistics Regulation on 30 April 2020. We have implemented the changes confirmed in the 2021 consultation, as published in our consultation response.

Feedback summary and HMRC’s consultation response

HMRC received responses from a number of government departments, devolved administrations, academic bodies, thinktanks, tax representative bodies, lobby groups and local government.

HMRC has adapted its plans in the light of these comments. The key areas of feedback are set out for each topic area together with the changes to be made to each publication in the consultation.

As set out in this response, HMRC will continue to engage with users on plans for development of individual statistics publications.

Detailed feedback and HMRC’s responses can be found in the attachments, together with a summary of the changes that will be made to HMRC’s statistics publications.

Original consultation


HMRC is seeking views from users of our statistics publications on proposed changes so we can continue to produce relevant statistics that meet users’ needs.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

HMRC is committed to producing high value and good quality statistical publications that meet the needs of our users, while using our limited resource in the most effective ways. This consultation encourages our users to provide their views on changes we are considering to our suite of statistical publications. This includes potential new information being included where sufficient user interest is established. We need to understand how you use these statistics so that we can prioritise publications which are important to our users. We look forward to receiving your comments.

Please send your comments to, making sure to be clear about which publications you are referring to. We will review all feedback we receive and publish a consultation response, setting out confirmed plans, in spring 2023.


Updates to this page

Published 24 October 2022
Last updated 30 March 2023 show all updates
  1. Added consultation outcome, including a summary of changes to HMRC statistics publications and our responses to publication-specific feedback.

  2. First published.

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