Consultation outcome
Summary of changes to HMRC statistics publications
Updated 30 March 2023
1. Summary of changes
The following table summarises plans for all the publications for which changes were proposed in HMRC’s consultation.
Publication | Changes to be made |
Income Tax, National Insurance contributions, tax credits and Child Benefit statistics for non-UK nationals | We will discontinue this publication. |
Insurance Premium Tax | We will reduce the publication frequency to annual by ceasing the winter publication. |
Monthly property transactions | We will move the monthly publication releases to the end of the month. |
Government revenue from UK oil and gas production | We will move the publication release from July to September. |
Income Tax liabilities statistics | We will cease production of table 2.7 but keep the legacy data available on the publication page. |
Private pension statistics | We will cease publication of table 1 and reduce the scope of tables 2.1 and 2.2. We will continue to improve the methodology, presentation and explanation of the statistics. |
Annual savings statistics | We will cease production of the geographic breakdowns of the number of Help to Save accounts opened. |
Creative industries statistics | We will no longer publish tables 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1 and the remaining tables will be published on an accruals basis only. |
Research and Development Tax Credits | We will cease the April publication of supplementary tables but will include important supplementary tables from this publication within the September publication. |
Child and Working Tax Credits error and fraud statistics | We will reduce the coverage within this publication. |
Overseas trade in goods statistics release | We will reduce the commentary for the publication but provide separate links to the methodological notes on the releases’ landing page. |
Corporation Tax receipts, liabilities and Bank Levy | We will explore using Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes for sectoral breakdowns of Corporation Tax receipts. |
Payrolled employments in the UK by region, industry and nationality | We will explore expanding our coverage for this publication. We will explore changing it to a six-monthly publication. |
Child Benefit Statistics | We will combine the Annual Child Benefit Statistics and Child Benefit Small Area Data publications into one publication and expand the coverage. |
Child and Working Tax Credits statistics | We will consolidate the small area statistics and the finalised awards into one publication. We will change the format of tables within the provisional and finalised awards publications. |
Inheritance Tax statistics | We will cease production of tables 12.1, 12.10b, and 12.11. We will retain table 12.7 and expand tables 12.3 and 12.7 and 12.8. We will re-order the table numbers and re-name the publication. |
Statistics on non-domiciled taxpayers in the UK | We will reduce the time series for all the publication’s figures and charts, except for figure 1. We will discontinue table 12, combine tables 13 and 14 and simplify the commentary around the remittance basis charge. |
Statistics on trusts | We will combine the number and income tables for discretionary trusts and for interest in possession trusts. We will ensure the time series for the publication include at least 11 years and shorten the longer tables in the commentary. We will explore the future usage of data from the Trust Registration Service. |
Charity Tax Relief statistics | We will continue to publish tables 5, 6b and 6f. We will discontinue tables 3 and 6a and discontinue the means and medians in tables 5 to 7. We will re-number the tables. |