Consultation outcome

Consultation on proposed changes to guidance on opinions and determinations

This consultation has concluded

Read the full outcome

Detail of outcome

In 2018 and 2019 the SSRO reviewed its referrals guidance on opinions and determinations.

We considered procedures applied by other regulators with adjudicative functions, opinions given and determinations made since the last guidance update, and views expressed by internal and external stakeholders. We consulted publicly on proposed guidance changes from December 2018 to January 2019.

We received seven responses to our consultation, which we have considered in finalising the changes to guidance and the revised guidance is now available.

The revised guidance will apply to any requests received after 1 April 2019 for opinions or determinations in respect of qualifying defence contracts and qualifying sub-contracts, replacing the existing guidance in those areas.

Feedback received

Consultation responses

Detail of feedback received

We received seven responses to the consultation.

Original consultation


We are inviting views on proposed changes to the SSRO’s guidance on opinions and determinations.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

The Defence Reform Act 2014 and the Single Source Contract Regulations 2014 establish the grounds and circumstances on which the SSRO may be asked to give an opinion or to make a determination in relation to a qualifying defence contract (QDC) or qualifying sub-contract (QSC), or a proposed QDC or QSC.

The SSRO first published guidance on its processes for opinions and determinations in 2015 with an update in 2016.

The two guidance documents are intended to assist parties who seek either an opinion or a determination from the SSRO, or who become involved in such a request. We have reviewed this guidance based on our experience of carrying out our statutory functions, stakeholder feedback and regulatory good practice.

The SSRO is now consulting publicly on proposed revisions to the opinions and determinations guidance. Significant changes are shown in blue text. The Consultation Document sets out a summary of key changes in the documents. The guidance covers:

  • the circumstances in which the SSRO may give an opinion or make a determination;
  • how to refer matters to the SSRO;
  • timescales; and
  • the processes from early engagement through to publication of a decision.

Responses can be by letter or completing the consultation form, in hard copy or electronic form (preferred) by 5pm Friday 25 January 2019. A proposed timetable for publishing final guidance and specific consultation questions is included in paragraphs 1.15 to 1.17 of the stakeholder consultation document.


Published 10 December 2018
Last updated 1 April 2019 + show all updates
  1. Consultation outcome published

  2. First published.