Single Source Regulations Office

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- Reporting guidance and DefCARS
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- I want to agree the price of a qualifying contract and understand allowable costs and profit rates
- I need to submit a report and want to check if it will be compliant
The Secretary of State for Defence has announced his determination of the baseline profit rate and capital servicing rates for 2025/26.

Quarterly qualifying defence contract statistics: Q3 2024/25
Research and analysis
The SSRO has released its latest quarterly publication on key statistics relating to qualifying defence contracts (QDCs) and qualifying sub-contracts (QSCs).

Publication of guidance on the Final Price Adjustment, which mitigates the impact of excess profits or losses that may arise in non-competitive defence contracts.

The SSRO has published updates to its pricing and reporting guidance, following consultation with stakeholders. We’ve also published our response to what stakeholders told us.

The SSRO has published the conclusions of our most recent engagement with stakeholders regarding improvements to our yearly baseline profit rate assessment process.

Quarterly publication of queries received by the SSRO and the responses. If you have any queries about the responses which the SSRO has published, please email Someone from the SSRO will be able to contact you to discuss your query.

Latest from the Single Source Regulations Office
What we do
The Single Source Regulations Office (SSRO) is an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Ministry of Defence (MOD).
SSRO is an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Ministry of Defence.
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Contact SSRO
Office address
100 Parliament Street
United Kingdom
General enquiries
020 3771 4767
SSRO helpdesk
020 3771 4785
The helpdesk is the point of contact within the SSRO where parties to qualifying defence contracts or qualifying sub-contracts can ask for clarification, advice or seek further information on all issues related to the work of the SSRO and its statutory functions.
Guidance on referrals is available at:
Freedom of Information Act requests
Information on the SSRO’s approach to dealing with FOI requests is available at:
Public interest disclosures
100 Parliament Street
United Kingdom
020 3771 4792
The SSRO is a ‘Prescribed Person’ under the Public Interest Disclosure Act (PIDA) and is able to receive qualifying disclosures from whistleblowers who work for industry, the MOD and third parties.
The SSRO's whistleblowing policy is available at:
If you have a complaint about the SSRO's conduct please contact us on the email above.
Make an FOI request
- Read about the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act and how to make a request.
- Check our previous releases to see if we’ve already answered your question.
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Jobs and contracts
Our Personal information charter explains how we treat your personal information. Read our policy on Social media use.