John Russell

John Russell joined the SSRO as Chief Executive in July 2023. John was a Senior Director at Ofwat from 2016. He has also worked in Shell’s group strategy and business environment teams and had a long career in Whitehall where, amongst other roles, he was the Chief Operating Officer for Infrastructure UK and Deputy Director for Growth and Productivity in HM Treasury.
Chief Executive, SSRO
The SSRO Chief Executive is responsible for the effective executive leadership and management of the SSRO within a strategic framework agreed by the main board. They ensure the SSRO meets its statutory functions and contractual obligations and operates strictly in accordance with its legal responsibilities.
Specific responsibilities include:
- acting as accounting officer to the UK Parliament, exercising the duties and responsibilities of the accounting officer as set out in ‘ Managing public money ’
- managing budget spending, maintaining a full financial account and arranging an annual audit
- providing overall leadership and management of operational activities to ensure the achievement of SSRO ’s statutory functions and objectives
- developing clear and achievable financial and corporate plans for the SSRO evaluating and reporting to the board on the overall performance of the SSRO
- maintaining effective systems of governance and control, including the development of appropriate policies
- preparing an annual report and accounts for consideration by the SSRO Audit Committee and approval by the SSRO Board representing the SSRO externally with stakeholders, the media and the corporate and public sector
- ensuring that the board is properly advised and consulted, enabling effective and timely decision making
- motivating and providing leadership for the senior management team, leading on the recruitment, appointment and management of senior staff
- driving forward the SSRO ’s policies on equality and diversity, and staff development