Claire Williams

Claire was appointed as a Non-executive Member in June 2021. She is a member of the Regulatory Committee.
Claire is a non-executive director of the Utility Regulator for Northern Ireland and of the Citizen Housing Group.
Claire is a member of the audit committee for the Utility Regulator. She is a member of Citizen’s audit committee and of its Development Board which oversees Citizen’s housing construction and regeneration programme. Claire has held senior positions in the electricity, renewable energy (including offshore wind) and rail industries for over 25 years and has in-depth experience of central government, the regulated sector, governance and public procurement. She has also been centrally involved in the delivery of a number of large infrastructure projects and in the implementation of major government schemes in the energy sector, including Contracts for Difference and the Capacity Market. Claire has been General Counsel for a number of companies and, in her earlier career, spent several years as a private practice lawyer. Claire has a Masters in Law from Cambridge University.
Non-executive member, SSRO
The SSRO Non-executive members are responsible for:
- providing independent and constructive challenge
- establishing the strategic direction of the SSRO (within a policy and resources framework agreed with ministers)
- overseeing the development and implementation of strategies, plans and priorities
- overseeing the development and review of key performance targets including financial targets
- ensuring that the public body complies with all statutory and administrative requirements on the use of public funds