Our governance
The SSRO’s governance arrangements are overseen by its Board, which consists of a Chair, five non-executive members and two executive members. The Board is responsible for the discharge of the SSRO’s functions; providing strategic leadership, direction, support and guidance; and overseeing the development and review of the SSRO’s aims and corporate objectives.
The Board is supported by the following sub-committees:
The Audit & Risk Assurance Committee provides scrutiny, oversight and assurance of risk management, information management, internal control and governance procedures to the Chief Executive, as Accounting Officer, and to the Board.
Referral Committees. The Act requires that several of the SSRO’s functions, listed in Schedule 4, paragraph 10(3), must be exercised by a committee. The Act further states that such Committees must consist of three persons and at least one of the members must be an independent person who is not a member or employee of the SSRO. Committee members are appointed to individual referrals on a case-by-case basis.
The Executive Committee is responsible for the day-to-day management of the SSRO and assists the Chief Executive in the performance of his duties.
Transparency Reports
- SSRO board meeting minutes
- SSRO transparency data
- SSRO prompt payment data
- SSRO gifts and hospitality data
- SSRO gifts and hospitality policy
- Register of interests