Consultation on regulations for Contracts for Difference (Standard Terms and Modifications)
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
This document summarises the responses received and puts forward the approach being taken and undertakings being made following that process.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The consultation sets out the draft regulatory position and associated policy positions for four key areas of the Contract for Difference:
the issuance and revision of standard terms; the ability for generators to request modifications to those standard terms;
the processes by which the Delivery Body notifies the CfD Counterparty of an allocation decision, and by which the CfD counterparty then offers a generator a contract, and;
the lists of technologies to be allocated the baseload and intermittent reference prices, typifying the way in which the standard terms adapt to circumstance.
DECC is seeking input from as wide a range of interested parties as soon as possible and the consultation includes a series of broad questions to help shape contributions from interested parties. Following the closure of the consultation we will consider responses and prepare amendments to the regulations. We aim to publish the Government response and to lay the final regulations in Parliament in spring 2014, and for the regulations to become law in summer 2014.