Corporate re-domiciliation
Detail of outcome
Given the consultation focused on the principles of a re-domiciliation regime, it was understandable that some respondents expressed the view that further detail on the design of the regime would be helpful. The consultation offered a high-level overview of the proposed regime design, but it represented only the early stages of the policy development process.
BEIS, in partnership with HM Treasury and HMRC, will continue to refine this policy, engaging publicly as appropriate.
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
We received 40 responses to this consultation from:
- private limited companies (4)
- public limited companies (3)
- business representative organisations and trade industry groups (12)
- professional services (8)
- transparency organisations (1)
- individuals (2)
- government bodies (3)
- law societies (4)
- others (3)
The majority of respondents were supportive or broadly supportive of the proposals set out in the consultation.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation seeks views on the introduction of a UK re-domiciliation regime, which would make it possible for companies to re-domicile and therefore easier to relocate to the UK.
The UK is a competitive, global hub for business and is home to one of the world’s leading financial centres. This mechanism will allow companies to take advantage of its world-class infrastructure and skills, while promoting jobs, innovation and investment in the UK.
In this consultation, we set out our proposals and seek views on:
- the advantages of enabling companies to re-domicile
- the level of demand that exists, among which types of companies and sectors
- the appropriate checks and entry criteria
- the merits of establishing an outward re-domiciliation regime
- any tax implications associated with the introduction of a re-domiciliation regime