Draft cycling and walking investment strategy
Applies to England
Detail of outcome
Following this consultation, the Cycling and walking investment strategy sets out the government’s ambition for cycling and walking.
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
The Department for Transport ran a consultation on the draft ‘Cycling and walking investment strategy’ between 27 March and 23 May 2016. The consultation invited respondents to provide answers to 5 questions.
Responses were received via letter, email and through an online response form. In addition, 8 consultation events were held across England, seeking responses to the 5 questions. In total, around 3,600 responses were received and over 400 individuals attended consultation events.
This document summarises the points raised in the consultation and sets out the government’s response to each point.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The government’s ambition is to create a walking and cycling nation. To further this goal we have created a draft cycling and walking strategy for consultation. We are seeking:
- suggestions and evidence of innovative projects and programmes which could be developed to further our goals of:
- increasing cycling activity
- reversing the decline in walking activity
- reducing the rate of cyclists killed or seriously injured
- views on how to increase cycling and walking in typically under-represented groups
- views on the approach and actions set out in the strategy to meet our key objectives
- views on the potential roles of government and non-government bodies in delivering the strategy, plus the how they work together
- views on the assistance local authorities and local enterprise partnerships would find beneficial to support development of infrastructure plans
- views on our proposed activities for meeting our objectives of better:
- safety
- mobility
- streets
The timescale and approach to developing this strategy were originally stated in Setting the first cycling and walking investment strategy released in December 2015.
Updates to this page
Government response to consultation on draft 'Cycling and walking investment strategy'.
Dates and details of roadshow events for the cycling and walking investment strategy consultation announced.
First published.