Small Seagoing Passenger Ship Code
Detail of outcome
The Small Seagoing Passenger Ships Code has been published on GOV.UK. This code should be read with Marine Guidance Note (MGN) 535 (M) which introduces the code.
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
Consultation Response - Small Seagoing Passenger Ships Code
Original consultation
Consultation description
The Draft Small Seagoing Passenger Ship Code has been developed for voluntary application to United Kingdom (UK) passenger ships of less than 24 metres load line length, carrying not more than 250 passengers, operating within 15 miles of a safe haven and no more than five miles from the coast.
The Code provides opportunity for operators of ships to ply beyond the current Class VI plying limits by fully meeting the standards contained within this Code.
Feedback is sought on all areas of the Code. The provisions of the Code have largely been drawn from EU directive regulations and the regulations pertaining to passenger ship operation on categorised waters.
Since the Code is, at present, for voluntary application to existing vessels it is not considered that this represents a change to Regulation and an impact assessment has not been performed.
Please provide any comments and feedback to Joanna Dormon at the contact details provided on the consultation letter, by the closing date of Friday 10th April 2015.
Please also copy in Simon Milne at in any response.
Comments and responses will be published alongside the consultation itself in the closed consultations section of the website.