Emergency Evacuation Information Sharing Plus (EEIS+)
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
This is the government response to the Emergency Evacuation Information Sharing Plus (EEIS+) consultation.
provides a detailed summary of the responses to the consultation
outlines our quantitative and qualitative analysis of those responses
explains the conclusions drawn from analysis of responses, including introducing our new policy proposals, called ‘Residential PEEPs’
outlines the proposed next steps.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation follows on from the Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) consultation, which ran from 8 June to 19 July 2021, and which we have today (18 May 2022) published the formal government response to.
The PEEPs consultation raised significant issues covering 3 broad areas – practicality, proportionality and safety, which means we are currently unable to mandate PEEPs in high-rise residential buildings. The EEIS+ consultation therefore sought views on our alternative proposals to support the fire safety of residents who would need support to evacuate in an emergency. We are currently analysing the responses received and will publish our response in due course.
Updates to this page
Added consultation response.
Consultation description was amended to reflect that the EEIS consultation has closed.
Closing date for the consultation has changed from 17 August 2022 to 21 August.
Closing date for the consultation has changed from 10 August 2022 to 17 August 2022.
Added 'Easy read version of the EEIS+ Consultation'.
Added details of workshops.
First published.