Annex A: Full list of consultation questions
Published 18 March 2025
Annex A contains all the consultation questions in one place. You cannot respond to the consultation on this page.
To see the questions and submit your responses, see ‘How to respond’ on the consultation page on GOV.UK.
Extending mandatory pay gap reporting to ethnicity and disability
Question 1. Do you agree or disagree that large employers should have to report their ethnicity pay gaps?
Question 2. Do you agree or disagree that large employers should have to report their disability pay gaps?
Geographical scope
Question 3. Do you agree or disagree that ethnicity pay gap reporting should have the same geographical scope as gender pay gap reporting?
Question 4. Do you agree or disagree that disability pay gap reporting should have the same geographical scope as gender pay gap reporting?
Pay gap calculations
Question 5. Do you agree or disagree that employers should report the same 6 measures for ethnicity pay gap reporting as for gender pay gap reporting?
Question 6. Do you agree or disagree that employers should report the same 6 measures for disability pay gap reporting as for gender pay gap reporting?
Question 7. Do you agree or disagree that large employers should have to report on the ethnic breakdown of their workforce?
Question 8. Do you agree or disagree that large employers should have to report on the breakdown of their workforce by disability status?
Question 9. Do you agree or disagree that large employers should have to submit data on the percentage of employees who did not state their ethnicity?
Question 10. Do you agree or disagree that large employers should have to submit data on the percentage of employees who did not state their disability status?
Action plans
Question 11. Do you agree or disagree that employers should have to produce an action plan about what they are doing to improve workplace equality for ethnic minority employees?
Question 12. Do you agree or disagree that employers should have to produce an action plan about what they are doing to improve workplace equality for disabled employees?
Additional reporting requirements for public bodies
Question 13. Do you agree or disagree that public bodies should also have to report on pay differences between ethnic groups by grade and/or salary bands?
Question 14. Do you agree or disagree that public bodies should also have to report on recruitment, retention and progression by ethnicity?
Question 15. If public bodies have to report on recruitment, retention and progression by ethnicity, what data do you think they should have to report?
Question 16. Do you agree or disagree that public bodies should have to report on pay differences between disabled and non disabled employees, by grade and/or salary bands?
Question 17. Do you agree or disagree that public bodies should have to report on recruitment, retention and progression by disability?
Question 18. If public bodies have to report on recruitment, retention and progression by disability, what data do you think they should have to report?
Dates and deadlines
Question 19. Do you agree or disagree that ethnicity pay gap reporting should have the same reporting dates as gender pay gap reporting?
Question 20. Do you agree or disagree that disability pay gap reporting should have the same reporting dates as gender pay gap reporting?
Question 21. Do you agree or disagree that ethnicity pay gap data should be reported online in a similar way to the gender pay gap service?
Question 22. Do you agree or disagree that disability pay gap data should be reported online in a similar way to the gender pay gap service?
Question 23. Do you agree or disagree that ethnicity pay gap reporting should have the same enforcement policy as gender pay gap reporting?
Question 24. Do you agree or disagree that disability pay gap reporting should have the same enforcement policy as gender pay gap reporting?
Ethnicity: data collection and calculations
Question 25. Do you agree or disagree that large employers should collect ethnicity data using the GSS harmonised standards for ethnicity?
Calculating and reporting ethnicity pay gaps
Question 26. Do you agree or disagree that all large employers should report ethnicity pay gap measures using one of the binary classifications as a minimum?
Question 27. Do you agree or disagree that there should be at least 10 employees in each ethnic group being reported on? This would avoid disclosing information about individual employees.
Question 28. Do you agree or disagree that employers should use the ONS guidance on ethnicity data to aggregate ethnic groups? This would help protect their employees’ confidentiality.
Question 29. Is there anything else you want to tell us about ethnicity pay gap reporting?
Disability: data collection and calculations
Question 30. Do you agree or disagree with using the ‘binary’ approach (comparing the pay of disabled and non-disabled employees) to report disability pay gap data?
Question 31. Do you have any feedback on our proposal to use the Equality Act 2010 definition of ‘disability’ for pay gap reporting?
Question 32. Do you agree or disagree that there should be at least 10 employees in each group being compared (for example, disabled and non-disabled employees)? This would avoid disclosing information about individual employees.
Question 33. Is there anything else you want to tell us about disability pay gap reporting?