Equality (Race and Disability) Bill: mandatory ethnicity and disability pay gap reporting
Consultation description
This consultation is seeking views on how to introduce mandatory ethnicity and disability pay reporting for large employers (those with 250 or more employees). Responses to the consultation will help to shape proposals which will be included in the upcoming Equality (Race and Disability) Bill, which was announced in the King’s Speech in July 2024.
Large employers already report on their gender pay gaps. The consultation seeks views on how ethnicity and disability pay gap reporting could work in practice.
We are inviting responses from anyone interested and particularly welcome views from those who may be most affected by the measures, including:
- employers
- public sector bodies
- trades unions
- race and disability stakeholders
- people from ethnic minority groups
- disabled people
- disabled people’s organisations
How to respond
We encourage you to respond online if possible.
Please read the consultation document.
Then submit your responses online: Equality (Race and Disability) Bill consultation survey
Please email equalitybill@cabinetoffice.gov.uk if:
- you would like to respond via email
- you have any other enquiries specifically relating to this consultation including requests for the document in an alternative format
If you would like to respond by post, please mark your correspondence ‘Equality Bill consultation response’ and send it to the postal address.
Postal address:
Race Equality Unit
Cabinet Office
Fourth Floor
1 Horse Guards Road
If you have any complaints or comments about the consultation process you should contact the Cabinet Office.
Alternative formats
Alternative formats of this consultation are available online. This includes:
- Welsh Translation
- Easy Read
- Large print
- Web accessible PDF and HTML
Please contact us for paper copies or alternative formats of this consultation document.
Braille and audio versions are also available on request.
Requests for alternative formats can be made via post, email or telephone at 0808 175 6420