Funding for supported housing
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The Department for Communities and Local Government and the Department for Work and Pensions published a joint consultation document ‘Funding for Supported Housing’ in November 2016 to seek views to design a new funding model for the supported housing sector. This is the government’s response to the consultation.
As part of our policy announcement on supported housing, we have launched two consultations on 31 October 2017 on housing costs for sheltered and extra care supported housing, and on housing costs for short-term supported accommodation.
Both of these consultations seek the views on the design of the government’s new supported housing funding models which relate to England only, though we would nevertheless welcome comments from respondees across Great Britain. We are seeking views on the funding models from the sector, providers, commissioners and residents alike.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation seeks views on the government’s plans for a new housing costs funding model for supported housing as well as views on how funding for emergency and short term placements should work. It covers the following areas:
- devolved top-up funding to local authorities in England
- funding for emergency and short term supported housing placements across Great Britain.
Evidence review
The government has published a consultation on the implementation of the new funding model for supported housing. At the same time the government has published the evidence review of supported accommodation in Great Britain.
The review was jointly commissioned by the Department for Work and Pensions and the Department for Communities and Local Government at the end of 2015 and provides a helpful insight into the estimated scale, scope and cost of the sector which respondents may find useful in responding to consultation.