Future of mobility call for evidence
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The Department for Transport has now published a summary of points raised by respondents to this call for evidence. The responses have informed the development of the Future of urban mobility strategy, published alongside this document.
Responses to the consultation were received via letter, email, online survey and easy read answer booklet. In total, 225 responses were received.
Responses to the consultation were submitted by a mixture of individuals and organisations, including local authorities, trade associations, transport operators, other businesses, non-governmental organisations and universities.
Overall, there were more responses from organisations than individuals (63% of the responses were from organisations).
Original call for evidence
Call for evidence description
This call for evidence seeks views and evidence from all those with an interest in how we get around.
It is split into 2 main parts.
Part 1 seeks views and evidence to inform our Future of Urban Mobility Strategy. It’s split into 3 sections:
- the background against which changes to transport are occurring
- our assessment of the emerging trends that will shape urban mobility in the next couple of decades
- consideration of the approach government should take to help cities harness the opportunities and address any challenges presented by these trends
Part 2 looks beyond the urban context to inform our wider work on the Future of Mobility Grand Challenge. It asks how best government can support innovation across the country, with a focus on:
- ‘mission-oriented’ policy-making
- ensuring a regulatory framework that evolves with the times
- resolving barriers to data sharing and use
Document information
The documents on this page are:
- a web page (html) version of the consultation document
- a PDF version of the consultation document
- an easy read version of the consultation document
- an easy read answer booklet
- a large print version of the consultation document
Audio video
Audio video of the Future of Mobility call for evidence information.