Greater flexibilities for change of use
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
This report provides a summary of the responses to the consultation on ‘Greater flexibilities for change of use’, which closed on 15 October 2013. The report reflects the main points made in the responses and the government response.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The proposals in this consultation support government priorities for making better use of existing buildings, supporting the high street and rural communities; providing new housing; developing more free schools and contributing to the provision of child care for working families.
The consultation seeks views on 5 proposals for permitted development rights to allow:
- shops and financial and professional services to change use to a dwelling house
- existing buildings used for agricultural purposes of up to 150 square metres to change to residential use
- retail uses to change to banks and building societies only
- premises used as offices, hotels, residential and non-residential institutions, and leisure and assembly to be able to change use to nurseries providing childcare
- a building used for agricultural purposes of up to 500 square metres to be used as a new state funded school or a nursery providing childcare
All proposals also include permission to carry out building work connected with the change of use.