High needs national funding formula: stage 2
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Government response to the consultation, including a summary of responses received and details of next steps.
You can also read:
- national funding formula for schools and high needs policy paper
- national funding formula for schools and high needs: equalities impact assessment
- national funding formula allocations for schools and high needs
- high needs funding reform consultation
- schools national funding formula consultation
- schools national funding formula consultation: stage 2
Original consultation
Consultation description
We invite your views on:
- the weighting for each factor in the high needs national funding formula
- the transition to the formula
- the implementation of the formula
High needs funding is for children and young people with special educational needs or disability who need extra support at school, college or alternative provision settings. Alternative provision settings are for children who can’t go to a mainstream school.
This consultation builds on:
- the consultation on the principles and structure of a fairer system for funding high needs, which ran between March and April 2016
- results of research on funding for young people with special educational needs (SEN) by the Isos Partnership
- the call for evidence on changes to funding for children and young people with SEN, which ran between November 2014 and February 2015
We’re also consulting on changes to the schools national funding formula.