Highly Protected Marine Areas pilot sites
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
After considering all the responses, and further evidence, received government intends to designate a modified version of Allonby Bay, North East of Farnes Deep and a modified version of Dolphin Head as set out in the consultation, and not to designate Lindisfarne or Inner Silver Pit South. Work will now progress on designating the three sites.
The intention is to designate these three HPMAs before 6 July 2023, within a year of the consultation’s launch, in line with the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. Additional sites will now be explored and any future options will also be subject to consultation.
Detail of feedback received
We received over 900 responses to this consultation.
Original consultation
Consultation description
We want to know your views on designating a number of pilot HPMAs in English waters.
In 2021, the UK government committed to piloting a number of HPMAs in response to the Benyon Review. Five candidate sites have now been identified.
The consultation seeks views and additional information on each of these sites to inform a final decision as to which HPMAs should be designated.