Consultation outcome
Annex 1: organisations that responded to the consultation
Updated 28 February 2023
- Allerdale Borough Council
- Alnwick Area Friends of the Earth
- Angling Trust
- Anglo Scottish Fishermen’s Association
- Applied Genomics Ltd.
- Barnsley BSAC Divers
- Belford Parish Council
- Billy Shiels Boat Trips (Individual with 25 in employment)
- Blue Marine Foundation
- Brighton and Hove’s Wildlife Forum
- British Association for Shooting and Conservation
- British Marine Aggregate Producers Association
- British Sub Aqua Club
- BSAC Harrogate Dive Club
- Carbon Capture and Storage Association
- Chamber of Shipping
- Cumbria Wildlife Trust
- Dahogg and Sons
- Danish Fishermen PO
- Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for the Flemish Gov Belgium
- Dutch Fisheries Organisation
- EnerGeo
- Environment Agency
- European Subsea Cables Association (ESCA)
- Farne Islands Advisory Committee to the National Trust
- Fastline Shellfish
- Fellow (retired) Institute of Fisheries Management and Life Member of Freshwater Biological Association
- Flannigan Seafoods
- Forth Shore Enterprises
- French Authorities
- French fishing sector - Comite National des peches
- French National Association of Fish Producers Organisations
- Friends of the Lake District
- Galwad Y Mor Shellfish (Bridlington) Limited
- Government of the Netherlands, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality
- Greenpeace
- Historic England
- Holderness Fishing Industry Group
- Holy Island of Lindisfarne Community Development Trust
- Holy Island Parish Council
- Horncliffe Parish Council
- Ifield Divers
- J N A Shellfish Limited
- Leach Fishing
- Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust
- Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve Advisory Committee for Natural England
- Local people and businesses
- Lynda Sale Consulting LLP
- Marine Biological Association
- Marine Conservation Society
- Marine Research
- Maritime Coastguard Agency
- Maryport Harbour and Marina Ltd
- Maryport Solway Sea Cadet Unit
- National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations
- National Grid Group
- National Trust
- Natural History Society of Northumbria
- Netherlands’ Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality
- Newcastle University
- North Atlantic Shipping
- North East Ambulance Service
- North Sea Fishermen’s Organisation Ltd
- North Sunderland Harbour Commissioner
- North West Inshore Fisheries Conservation Authority
- Northern Ireland Fishermen’s Federation
- Northumberland Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Partnership
- Northumberland County Council
- Northumberland Inshore Fisheries Conservation Authority
- Northumberland
- Oceana
- Office for Environmental Protection
- Offshore Energies UK (OEUK)
- Orsted Wind Power (UK)
- Pecheurs Normands
- Port of Silloth
- Promised Land KCKC (fishing vessel to North Shields)
- Rederscentrale (Belgian fisheries)
- RenewableUK/RenewableUK’s Offshore Consents & Licencing (OCLG) Working Group
- Residents of Allonby
- Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
- Royal Yachting Association
- Scottish Creel Fisherman’s Federation
- Scottish Fishermen’s Federation
- Seabed User & Development Group
- Seahouses Fishermens Association
- Seal Research Trust
- Shellfish Association of Great Britain
- Solway Firth Partnership
- South Devon and Channel Shellfishermen Ltd
- South East Fisherman’s Protection Association
- South of Scotland Seafish Training Association
- South West Fish Producers Organisation
- St Albans
- St Mary’s Church, Holy Island
- Sussex Dolphin Project/World Cetacean Alliance
- Sussex Wildlife Trust
- Swedish Pelagic Federation PO
- The Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries
- The Fifth Point Diving Centre
- The Holy Island Fisherman’s Society
- The Wildlife Trusts
- Tillside Parish Council
- Transition Edinburgh
- Trinity House (General Lighthouse Authority)
- UK Association of Fish Producer Organisations
- UK Major Ports Group
- UK Oil & Gas Exploration Task Force
- VisNed Dutch Fishermen’s Organisation
- Wildlife and Countryside Link