Consultation outcome

Increasing audit thresholds for co-operatives and community benefit societies

This consultation has concluded

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Detail of outcome

The government received 12 responses to the consultation. Most of the representations were from small co-operatives and community benefit societies and trade bodies. The majority of responses were supportive of the proposals, and the government will be going ahead with the change to audit thresholds.

Original consultation


Seeking views on the government’s proposal to increase the thresholds at which co-operatives and community benefit societies have to appoint an auditor.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

The government announced at Spring Budget 2017 that the thresholds above which co-operatives and community benefit societies have to appoint an auditor will increase, in line with the treatment for companies. This consultation invites views on whether this will help deliver on the aim of helping co-operatives and community benefit societies compete on a level playing field with companies and whether the draft legislation delivers on the policy intent.


Published 25 August 2017
Last updated 1 December 2017 + show all updates
  1. Updated with the response to the consultation

  2. First published.