Initial teacher education inspection framework and handbook 2020: inspecting the quality of teacher education
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
This is a report on the outcomes of the consultation on the proposals for changes to the initial teacher education (ITE) inspection framework from September 2020. The changes relate to the inspection of all phases of ITE, including early years, primary, secondary and further education.
Alongside the publication of the consultation, we published our research on ITE curriculum
View the final framework and handbook for more information, as well as our updated equality, diversity and inclusion statement.
Original consultation
Consultation description
About this consultation
This consultation seeks your views on our proposals for changes to the initial teacher education (ITE) framework from September 2020. The proposed framework applies to all phases of ITE, including early years, primary, secondary and further education.
We propose:
- to introduce two key judgement areas only: the new ‘quality of education and training’ judgement will replace the current ‘outcomes for trainees’ and ‘quality of training across the partnership’ judgements
- to apply a new methodology for gathering evidence during an inspection
- a one-stage model of inspection
- to introduce a short and longer telephone call with ITE partnership representatives
- spring and summer term inspections only
We will consider all responses carefully before finalising and publishing the framework in summer 2020.