National fostering stocktake: call for evidence
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The evidence from this consultation informed the independent review into foster care in England by Sir Martin Narey and Mark Owers.
Read the analysis from the independent review.
Original call for evidence
Call for evidence description
Sir Martin Narey and Mark Owers have been appointed by the Secretary of State for Education to conduct a National fostering stocktake. As a first step, they are seeking views on the current state of foster care in England and how the prospects of children in care might be improved through changes to fostering.
We’d like to hear from the following about how to make fostering more effective in meeting the needs of children:
- practitioners
- academics
- foster carers
- children in care
- children and adults who have left care
We’re looking at:
- the types of fostering currently offered by providers
- the status, role and function of foster carers in relation to other professionals
- how we commission, regulate and inspect fostering settings
- what works best in fostering settings to improve outcomes for children and young people
- how we can improve the experiences of young people entering foster care, transitioning between placements, and leaving foster care