Outcomes for children looked after by LAs: 31 March 2018
A range of outcome measures at national and local authority level for children looked after continuously for at least 12 months.
Applies to England
The outcome measures cover:
- educational attainment at key stage 1, key stage 2 and key stage 4
- special educational needs
- absence from school
- exclusions from school
The national tables include comparisons to children in need and non-looked after children.
Local authority data is published within the underlying data.
The experimental statistics include measures for previously looked after children who have:
- been adopted from care
- left care through a special guardianship order (SGO)
- left care through a child arrangements order (CAO)
Looked-after children statistics team
Email cla.stats@education.gov.uk
David Collinge 01325 340886
Updates to this page
Updated Tables A1, B1 and B2 to amend minor errors and bring suppression in line with the main outcomes publication.
Added additional tables, text and pre-release list for attainment of children who have left care.
First published.