New build developments consultation: delivering gigabit-capable connections
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The government will shortly introduce secondary legislation that will make changes to the Building Regulations 2010 and the Building (Approved Inspectors etc.) Regulations 2020. These amendments will be informed by the responses received to the technical consultation New build developments consultation: delivering gigabit-capable connections.
The changes we make will ensure that the development of new homes will include requirements to install gigabit-ready infrastructure and gigabit-capable connections. Providing new home residents access to the best digital connectivity. Our legislation is set out in more detail throughout the response.
Detail of feedback received
There were 28 responses to the consultation, from stakeholders including building developers, telecommunication operators, local authorities and building control bodies, local economic partnerships, regulators, and trade bodies.
All responses to the consultation have been recorded and analysed. The response outlines the key points made in those responses, drawing out the common themes that emerged and the most frequently-expressed points of view.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The government is committed to delivering nationwide gigabit connectivity as soon as possible. Today, over 70% of premises can access gigabit-capable networks, up from just one in ten in November 2019, and by 2025 the government is targeting a minimum of 85% gigabit-capable coverage.
It is a priority to ensure that new homes are built with fast, reliable and resilient broadband. We consulted on proposed legislation to ensure that the construction of new homes includes requirements for the installation of gigabit infrastructure and connectivity. Providing more people the connectivity they want and need without costly and disruptive installation works after the home is built. Fast and reliable broadband will help residents of new homes throughout the country to live and work more flexibly and will help to support social inclusion and growth.
Our proposed amendments to the Building Regulations 2010 required the installation of gigabit broadband connectivity as a factor for the construction process of new homes.
In order to amend Building Regulations, we were required by the Building Act 1984 to conduct a technical consultation. The purpose of the consultation, which was open to the public, was to seek views on the proposed new gigabit-capable broadband legal requirements and the associated statutory guidance for developers in relation to new build homes. The technical consultation closed for responses on 28 February 2022.