Policing inspection programme and framework commencing April 2022
Applies to England and Wales
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
HMICFRS is grateful for all the responses to the consultation. Throughout this process, our objective has been to make sure that we continue to focus our inspection work on what matters most to the public. While we outlined our proposed framework of inspection activity in the consultation, we were open to considering other priorities and ways of working.
A clear majority of respondents agreed with our proposed thematic inspections. Most also felt that they cover the areas of most concern and issues considered to be more urgent. Although the emerging issues raised by our respondents have broadly been considered in the planned inspections, further consideration will be given to inspection design to reflect these concerns where possible.
Original consultation
Consultation description
HMICFRS asks for your views on whether its proposed inspection programme and framework covers the right themes and areas of policing.
In particular, we are seeking your responses to the following consultation questions:
Do the proposed thematic inspections cover the areas that are of most concern to you at the moment? Which do you believe are of greatest importance or urgency?
Are there any significant new or emerging problems in policing that HMICFRS should consider when it inspects individual police forces?
How else could HMICFRS adapt the way in which it acquires information to take account of current circumstances and risks to public safety?
These questions are repeated in the body of the consultation. At the end, we explain how you can give us your views.
Updates to this page
The public feedback to the consultation has been added, along with HMICFRS' response.
The consultation has been re-opened and the deadline extended by a week due to a problem receiving responses.
First published.