Consultation outcome

Reducing crime at sites handling waste, and introducing fixed penalties for waste duty of care

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
This consultation has concluded

Read the full outcome

Summary of responses


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Annexes (Welsh)

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Detail of outcome

We received 275 responses to this consultation. We’ve set out our next steps in the government response. We also sought views on a revised waste duty of care code of practice and guidance for local authorities on using fixed penalty notice powers. This government response covers both consultations.

The supplementary government response and annex sets out reforms to the waste exemptions regime in England and Wales.

Original consultation


Seeking views on measures to reduce waste crime and poor performance at waste sites and introducing a fixed penalty to discourage household waste being fly-tipped.

This consultation was held on another website.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

We want to know what you think about our proposals to reduce crime and poor performance in the waste sector. We are looking to do this by enforcing more appropriate competence standards for permitted waste site operators. We’re also proposing to make changes to waste exemptions to prevent them being used to hide illegal activity.

We are also asking your views on best ways to improve householder awareness of their waste duty of care. As part of this, we are proposing the introduction of a fixed penalty for householders failing to pass their waste to authorised waste carriers. This fixed penalty will provide local authorities with a more proportionate and less costly enforcement tool than prosecuting in court.

Updates to this page

Published 15 January 2018
Last updated 6 October 2023 show all updates
  1. In Annex 6’s ‘Table A – S1 exemption conditions’, clarified the exemption conditions about the total volume of waste stored at any one time. In Annex 6’s ‘Table B – S2 exemption permitted waste types’, corrected an omission. Included waste code 17 05 04 (soil and stones) in both the current and the new conditions of ‘Construction and demolition waste capable of being used in its existing state only’.

  2. Added Welsh translations of the supplementary government response and annexes.

  3. Added supplementary government response and annexes.

  4. Updated the government response as a decision on the penalty levels in Wales has been made. In Wales, the legislation will set the penalty amount at £300. It will also provide enforcement authorities with the discretion to offer a discounted early payment option of £150.

  5. Added the government response.

  6. Summary of responses added.

  7. First published.

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