Reforming the energy industry codes
Detail of outcome
We intend to publish a second consultation in 2021 following further policy development, taking into account stakeholder responses from the consultation in 2019.
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
We received a total of 66 responses from a range of industry stakeholders including:
- existing code administrators
- system delivery bodies
- signatories to the codes, such as energy retailers, electricity generators and network companies
- other interested parties, including trade organisations and consumer groups
More respondents agreed than disagreed with the problems we identified with the current arrangements, as well as with our desired outcomes and 3 of the 4 areas of reform. Views were split on the fourth area of reform (increasing independence of decision making). We proposed a range of detailed options to deliver our 4 desired outcomes. Many responses to these detailed options were nuanced, and overall there was not a clear majority supporting or opposing a particular model option.
Original consultation
Consultation description
Many of the detailed rules that facilitate the gas and electricity markets are set out in ‘codes’ or rules governed by industry-led processes and overseen by Ofgem.
These rules need to adapt much more rapidly to enable the transition towards a more flexible energy system with net zero emissions, while minimising costs and protecting consumers.
Reforming the code governance framework could therefore better facilitate strategic changes in the sector, unlocking innovation and significant benefits to consumers.
This joint Ofgem and BEIS consultation seeks views on our proposals for reforming the code governance framework.
Energy codes review workshops September 2019
We will hold 2 identical workshops on these proposed reforms (invitation attached to page).
Venues and dates
- Monday 2 September: BEIS Conference Centre, 1 Victoria Street, Westminster, London, SW1H 0ET, 1pm to 4.15pm
- Wednesday 4 September: Birmingham Repertory Theatre (Room 101), Broad Street, Centenary Square, Birmingham, B1 2EP, 1pm to 4.15pm
- we may also hold a webinar in the same week if there is enough interest
Deadline to apply for places
Please contact by 20 August: 1 response per organisation, providing names, job titles, preferred event or webinar.
Depending on the level of interest, we may restrict places at the events to 1 or 2 per organisation.
Please copy responses to the consultation to both BEIS and Ofgem
We would be grateful if you could copy your responses to both bodies:
Code Reform - Electricity Systems Team
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
Abbey 1, 3rd Floor,
1 Victoria Street
Industry Code and Licensing Team
Office of Gas and Electricity Markets
10 South Colonnade
Canary Wharf
London, E14 4PU
See details of the joint government and Ofgem Energy Network Codes Review.