Consultation outcome

Reporting guidance version 9 consultation

This consultation has concluded

Read the full outcome

Appendix 3: On-demand reporting

Detail of outcome

On 11 November 2020, the SSRO published version 9 of the reporting guidance on contract reports, version 9 of the reporting guidance on DefCARS functionality, and version 8 of the reporting guidance on supplier reports.

The main changes in version 9 of the contract reports guidance are:

  • guidance on determination and reporting of the contract completion date, including how the contractor may report a changed contract completion date in DefCARS, so that the contract reporting plan is updated, and the correct due dates of reports are generated;
  • explanation of the following terms used in the Regulations: “price the contracting authority is committed to paying”, and “contract price”;
  • revised guidance for on-demand Contract Pricing Statements and Contract Reporting Plans for which separate reports have been introduced into DefCARS;
  • specification of what the contractor should do to complete some fields in DefCARS, including where “yes/no” fields are included in the system to assist contractors to complete their submissions; and
  • better explanation of some DefCARS functionality, such as how it generates annual profile years, and better description of what the contractor should expect to see on some pages.

The main change in version 8 of the supplier reports guidance relates to:

  • clarification that the £10 million Qualifying Business Unit threshold applies to a business unit that provides goods, works or services for the purposes of any QDC or QSC in the period.

The main changes in version 9 of the DefCARS functionality guidance are:

  • the removal of the ability to download reports in PDF format within DefCARS;
  • the addition of copy & paste facility for the reporting of variances, events and circumstances and of key deliverables; and
  • guidance on how to view multiple DefCARS reports in a web browser.

Original consultation


The SSRO is consulting on proposed changes to its reporting guidance.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

The SSRO’s guidance helps defence contractors to prepare and submit reports required under the Defence Reform Act 2014 and the Single Source Contract Regulations 2014. Contractors must have regard to the SSRO’s guidance when preparing contract and supplier reports under the Act and the Regulations.

The SSRO is consulting on changes to parts of its current guidance. The current guidance is DefCARS – contract report guidance – Version 8 published on 24 June 2020

This consultation is open to all interested persons. We particularly welcome comments from individuals or organisations with an interest in single source defence procurement and ensuring that good value for money is obtained in government expenditure on qualifying contracts and that the prices paid under these contracts are fair and reasonable.

The consultation runs until 1 September 2020. Written responses should be sent by email to:

  • (preferred); or
  • by post to SSRO, Finlaison House, 15-17 Furnival Street, London, EC4A 1AB.

The SSRO welcomes the opportunity to meet with stakeholders to discuss the proposals during the consultation period. If you wish to arrange such a meeting, please contact us at the earliest opportunity via


Appendix 2 – CIR guidance

Updates to this page

Published 24 February 2020
Last updated 11 November 2020 show all updates
  1. Consultation outcome published

  2. Updated latest reporting guidance

  3. First published.

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