River basin planning: draft river basin management plans
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The summary report ‘Draft river basin management plans consultation: improvements to plans’ outlines the improvements and changes the Environment Agency has made in updating the river basin management plans (RBMPs) based on responses to the consultation on the draft plans.
Find the River basin management plans: updated 2022. The Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has approved the update to the RBMPs.
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
We received 270 responses of which 187 were from organisations and 83 were from individuals or no information was given.
For the detail, see the Draft river basin management plans consultation: summary of responses.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The current river basin management plans were published in February 2016. The plans must be reviewed and updated every 6 years.
This consultation on the updated draft river basin management plans is the final (of 3). It gives you an opportunity to give your views on the proposed long term objectives for the water environment and the measures to achieve them.
A consultation on the draft flood risk management plans 2021 to 2027 is running for 3 months from 22 October 2021, to co-ordinate with this 6 month consultation on draft river basin management plans.
Updates to this page
Updated tense to reflect that the 2022 river basin management plans are the current plans approved by the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in December 2022.
Added 'Draft river basin management plans consultation: improvements to plans' document to 'Final outcome.'
Published the 'Draft river basin management plans consultation: summary of responses'.
First published.