Smart metering equipment technical specifications: second version
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Update July 2014
Updates have been made to the drafts of the second version of the Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specifications and the Communications Hub Technical Specification since this consultation concluded.
The most up-to-date versions, which are not in legal force but are subject to the Smart Metering Implementation Programme’s change control process, are provided for information.
Government Response
Part 2 of the government response, published on 1 July 2013 covers the outstanding questions and and some issues where we had indicated a provisional position and committed to further work. These include the development of further options for wireless communication, decisions on security and security governance; a decision not to require keypads on all meters; and provisions for the use of Consumer Access Devices, Prepayment Meter Interface Devices and Hand Held Terminals for the Home Area Network.
Consumer Focus response to this consultation
The following organisations responded to the Consultation, but their responses are considered to be confidential and cannot be published: Cable and Wireless, Gemserv, Trilliant, Motorola, Haven and HP Enterprises.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The first version of the smart metering equipment technical specifications (SMETS) was designed to deliver functional interoperability in smart metering equipment to be installed during the foundation stage.
The government’s aim for the second version of SMETS and the communications hub technical specification is that they will describe smart metering equipment that will be fully interoperable.
The most significant proposals in this consultation relate to the home area networking solution, the communications hub requirements and responsibilities, and equipment assurance. The consultation also discusses the development and regulatory timetable (including any notification to the European Commission) that the government plans to follow.
Part 1 of the government response, published on 24 January 2013, addresses the consultation questions which had to be resolved in order to notify the first iteration of SMETS 2 (the gas, electricity and in home display technical specifications) to the European Commission. These include decisions on the choice of communication standards to support smart metering within the home; responsibility for procurement of the communications hub; and additional functionality to be included in SMETS 2 (maximum demand registers, variant electricity meters and randomisation offset capabilities). In addition, Part 1 of the response confirms the Government’s intention to introduce an operational licence condition to require energy suppliers to make smart meter data available to domestic consumers and micro-businesses.
Responses to the SMETS 2 consultation will be published along with part 2 of the government response in Spring 2013.
The previously published Impact Assessments ‘Smart meter rollout for the domestic sector (GB)’ and ‘Smart meter rollout for the small and medium non-domestic sector (GB)’ have been combined into a single document and updated to reflect the latest available evidence.
The draft first iteration of SMETS 2, which was notified to the European Commission as per the requirements of the Technical Standards and Regulations Directive, builds on the physical, functional, interface and data requirements included in SMETS 1.
Updates to this page
Updated version of SMETS document published.
Updates have been made to the drafts of the second version of the Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specifications and the Communications Hub Technical Specification since this consultation concluded. The most up-to-date versions, which are not in legal force but are subject to the Smart Metering Implementation Programme’s change control process, are provided here for information.
Published individual responses to consultation.
Publication of Part 2 of the Government Response to the Consultation on Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specifications Version 2
Consultation response documents added.
First published.