Stopping movement of staff between care settings
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The Department of Health and Social Care received more than 1,300 responses to this consultation and has published a summary of the responses and what the next steps will be.
Original consultation
Consultation description
A study on the impact of coronavirus in care homes in England indicated that one of the common factors in care homes with higher levels of coronavirus infection among staff was how much they employed staff who worked across multiple sites.
So in the adult social care winter plan the government committed to new regulations to limit staff movement between care homes, and between care homes and other health and care settings.
The government now wants to make regulations that would temporarily modify regulation 18 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 which deals with staffing.
This would mean residential and nursing care home providers in England must restrict the movement of staff providing personal care or nursing care in their services.
If you’re using the easy-read version, the deadline for responding is midday on Wednesday 25 November 2020.