Strategy for achieving officially bovine tuberculosis free status for England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The results of the 2013 public consultation were taken into account in the Strategy to achieve Officially Bovine Tuberculosis-Free (OTF) Status in England, published on 3 April 2014.
As part of the consultation, Defra commissioned a citizen dialogue project on bovine TB, co-funded by Sciencewise-ERC, which included 10 stakeholder workshops, 3 reconvened workshops involving recruited members of the public, and an online phase with recruited members of the public.
The reports from this research project on the citizen dialogue on bovine TB (Defra Project SE3049) are published on Defra’s research and development web pages.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The draft strategy has been developed by the Animal Health and Welfare Board for England (AHWBE) and the Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Advisory Group for England (TBEAG). It draws extensively on international examples of successful approaches to tackling bovine tuberculosis.
Under the strategy we would build on the existing controls to keep the ‘Low Risk Area of England’ free of the disease, to stop the disease spreading outside the edge of the ‘High Risk Area’, and to progressively eliminate the disease from the ‘High Risk Area’.
Under the proposed strategy we would focus on the development of new tools such as vaccines for badgers and cattle, and new diagnostic tests that could offer new ways of tackling the disease. The draft strategy also considers how delivering its aim would be managed and funded. It highlights the potential benefits of a new government-industry partnership approach to tackling bovine tuberculosis.