Total restriction of online advertising for products high in fat, sugar and salt (HFSS)
Detail of outcome
The government’s response to this consultation is published on the Further advertising restrictions for products high in fat, salt and sugar consultation page.
Original consultation
Consultation description
We’re asking questions on:
- what types of advertising will be restricted
- who will be liable for compliance
- enforcement of the restrictions
In 2019 the government consulted on restricting advertising of HFSS for TV and online. It asked for views on whether to extend current advertising restrictions on broadcast TV and online media, including consulting on watershed restrictions. In July 2020 the government confirmed its intention to introduce a 9pm watershed on TV.
This new consultation goes further and looks at how a total HFSS advertising restriction could be implemented online. It should be read with the 2019 consultation.
Updates to this page
Added a link to the government response.
In the consultation document, in section ‘Transparency, availability of data and targeted advertising’, the word 'behaviour' has been changed to 'profile' and a reference added to sample size. In the evidence note, the heading ‘Costs to the government ’ now includes 'and regulators', and the first line has been updated to say that the ASA 'would' implement and enforce the updated regulations rather than 'will be required to'.
First published.