UK Offshore Energy Strategic Environmental Assessment 3 (OESEA3)
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The Post Consultation Report presents a summary of the issues raised and other comments on the Environmental Report received during the public consultation period. Where appropriate, responses to comments are given to provide factual and technical clarifications. The report also includes responses to comments on policy, regulatory and other controls, and future plans where these are relevant.
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
A total of 22 organisations and individuals responded to the consultation on OESEA3. The full text of the comments are available to download above.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) is conducting a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of a draft plan/programme to enable future renewable leasing for offshore wind, wave and tidal devices and licensing/leasing for seaward oil and gas rounds, hydrocarbon and carbon dioxide gas storage. The renewable energy elements of the draft plan/programme cover parts of the UK Exclusive Economic Zone and the territorial waters of England and Wales; for hydrocarbon gas and carbon dioxide storage it applies to UK waters (relevant territorial waters and the UK Exclusive Economic Zone); and for hydrocarbon exploration and production it applies to all UK waters.