
Offshore Energy Strategic Environmental Assessments

Sectoral Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs) of the implications of further licensing of the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) for oil and gas exploration and production.

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is the process of appraisal through which environmental protection and sustainable development may be considered, and factored into national and local decisions regarding government (and other) plans and programmes – such as oil and gas licensing rounds and other offshore energy developments.

The process aims to help inform ministerial decisions through consideration of the environmental implications of the proposed action.





SEA 8 which covers the English Channel was included in the Offshore Energy Strategic Environmental Assessment (OESEA) which covered all UK waters. The OESEA considered a draft plan for further rounds of wind leasing, offshore oil and gas licensing and hydrocarbon gas storage licensing. Consultation on the SEA closed on 29 April 2009 and the government decision on the draft plan/programme was announced on 24 June 2009.


Strategic Environmental Assessment 7 (SEA 7) covers a large area to the west of Scotland including the Northern Rockall Trough. Environmental surveys were carried out in 2005 and 2006. The SEA 7 assessment and supporting documentation were available for public consultation in April 2007 with the consultation ending in June 2007.


Strategic Environmental Assessment 6 (SEA 6) covers the UK area of the Irish Sea including waters off Northern Ireland. The SEA 6 assessment document was available for consultation in November 2005 with the consultation ending on 31 January 2006. The 24th licensing round was announced in March 2006.


Strategic Environmental Assessment 5 (SEA 5), covering North Sea areas to the east of the Scottish coastline out to the SEA 2 area, began with seafloor environmental surveys being conducted in summer 2003. The SEA 5 assessment and supporting documentation were placed on the website for public consultation in September 2004. The 23rd Oil and Gas licensing round was announced in March 2005.


Strategic Environmental Assessment 4 (SEA 4), which extends from the north coast of Scotland to the northernmost tip of the ‘Northern Triangle’, began with seafloor environmental surveys being carried out in summer 2002. The SEA 4 assessment and supporting documentation was placed on the website for public consultation in September 2003, and the process was completed by the end of 2003.


Strategic Environmental Assessment 3 (SEA 3), covering North Sea areas between SEA 2 and the English coastline, was conducted in 2002 in anticipation of the 21st licensing round.


Strategic Environmental Assessment 2 (SEA 2), whose area includes the majority of existing oil and gas fields in the North Sea, was completed in December 2001 in time for the announcement of the 20th licensing round in January 2002. The discovery of the Buzzard field (Block 20/6), just within the area of SEA 2, increased the prospectivity of blocks in Quadrants 19 and 20 just outside the area. A re-assessment of SEA 2, including these blocks, was therefore subsequently carried out.

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Published 16 May 2013