Violence and abuse toward shop staff: call for evidence
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
This document summarises responses received to the call for evidence on violence and abuse towards shop staff.
The government recognises that the violence and abuse shop workers face can have a significant impact, not only physically but mentally and emotionally. The response outlines the government’s plans to tackle this crime.
Retailers, the police, and other stakeholders have now worked together to produce practical solutions and resources to help reduce the number of violent and abusive incidents.
Original call for evidence
Call for evidence description
The aim of this call for evidence is to enable the government to understand the true scale of the issue of violence and abuse toward shop staff, the measures which may help prevent these crimes and the extent to which existing legislation is being used to tackle them, and to identify examples of best practice.
This call for evidence covers violence and abuse toward all staff working within a retail setting (including, for example those working in retail outlets at train stations, town centres and shopping centres) perpetrated by members of the public. We recognise that this issue extends beyond shop staff and can affect a range of people providing a service to the public, for example, those working on transport networks and in the hospitality industry. In recognition of reports of increased incidents toward shop staff in recent years, the main focus of this call for evidence is incidents which occur in a retail setting. However, in analysing the responses we will seek to consider how the findings may be relevant to other sectors.
Updates to this page
Accessible versions of 'Government response to call for evidence: violence and abuse toward shop staff', 'Government response to call for evidence: violence and abuse toward shop staff (Welsh translation)', 'Call for evidence: violence and abuse toward shop staff' and 'Call for evidence: violence and abuse toward shop staff (Welsh translation)' added.
Added a link to resources to help reduce the number of violent and abusive incidents.
Welsh version of government response to call for evidence: violence and abuse toward shop staff added.
Updated to add government response to consultation.
Welsh translation published.
First published.