A Joint Effort Phase 1 Showcase
DASA is inviting all those interested in A Joint Effort to attend a showcase event, highlighting Phase 1 progress.

A Joint Effort
The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) invites all those with an interest in ‘A Joint Effort’ advanced materials to a showcase event for the ‘A Joint Effort’ competition on 8 October 2019. The UK suppliers will be showcasing the progress of their innovation projects, which are in development through the Phase 1 competition.
Phase 1 of ‘A Joint Effort’ launched in November 2018 as a parallel call between the UK (Materials for Strategic Advantage programme within the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory) and Australia (Defence Science and Technology Group, Next Generation Technology Fund and Small Business Innovation Research for Defence) and was managed by DASA. We awarded funding for suppliers under each of the four challenges:
- Challenge 1: Integration of composites
- Challenge 2: Adhesives for structural joining
- Challenge 3: Joining high temperature structures
- Challenge 4: Improving armour systems
This event will give you the opportunity to see presentations from and interact with the UK Phase 1 suppliers: BAE, BMT, Foresight Innovations, Imperial College of London, TWI Limited, University of Surrey and Zentraxa.
We are particularly interested in your attendance at this event if you have an interest in procuring the technologies or have complementary programmes of work.
This event will also give you the opportunity to hear further details of Phase 2. For any suppliers interested in forming a collaboration to enter Phase 2, please see here for further information about the online collaboration space.
Representatives of the Dstl Materials for Strategic Advantage programme will be present at the event and welcome discussion on the wider work of the programme. Members of the DASA team will also be available for further discussion.
To attend the event
To participate in this demonstration event, please register on the Eventbrite page. Please note that places for this event are limited.
Find out more about the A Joint Effort competition.