Alterations to our services - tribunals and hearings
Following the disruption caused by Coronavirus and the limited access to IPO buildings, there are currently some alterations to the services we provide.

When contacting us for Tribunals services, please use the email address to file all forms for which there is no online process. Please use the email address to file all evidence.
The filing of a TM7A only extends the period for filing an opposition to 3 months from the publication date of the mark you are considering opposing.
This means that in some cases, despite filing the TM7A, the TM7 will also be due on the first day that is not interrupted. For applications published on or before 24 April 2020 the TM7A will have no effect and the Form TM7 must be filed.
For more specific guidance please see check your publication date against the effect of the TM7A as follows (these take into account weekends and a bank holiday):
Publication date | Opposition deadline | Extendible by filing TM7A? |
24 April 2020 or before | 24 June 2020 | No. TM7 needs to be filed on or before 30 July. |
1 May 2020 | 1 July 2020 | Yes. NB: TM7A must be filed no later than 30 July. Extends opposition deadline (TM7) to 1 August. |
8 May 2020 | 8 July 2020 | Yes. NB: Must be filed no later than 30 July. Extends opposition deadline (TM7) to 8 August. |
15 May 2020 | 15 July 2020 | Yes. NB: Must be filed no later than 30 July. Extends opposition deadline (TM7) to 15 August. |
22 May 2020 | 22 July 2020 | Yes. NB: Must be filed no later than 30 July. Extends opposition deadline (TM7) to 22 August. |
29 May 2020 | 29 July 2020 | Yes. NB: Must be filed no later than 30 July. Extends opposition deadline (TM7) to 29 August 2020. |
Defences (Form TM8)
The TM8 deadline cannot be extended (unless parties mutually agree to enter a cooling-off period and file Form TM9c, which must be filed by 30 July). We strongly recommend that parties meet the existing deadline.
Deadlines and Extensions of time
We are now working to our usual deadlines. For parties who are currently involved in proceedings with the tribunal, they should adhere to the timetable advised. Further correspondence will be issued when they get to the next evidential round.
Extensions of time should be filed in the normal manner (Form TM9 and accompanying reasons). We can consider appeals to the Appointed Person and appeals to the Court must be made directly to the Court.
Hearings service
Whilst we have limited access to our sites, we are not able to hold hearings in person. This will be kept under review. In the meantime, we will continue to operate hearings via telephone, Skype or other virtual methods.
We have contacted parties if their current hearing arrangements need to change. Some hearings, such as cross-examination, may not be suitable for telephone, Skype or other virtual methods and may need to be postponed.
Company Names Tribunal
When contacting us for the Company Names Tribunal’s services, please use the email address to file all forms. There is no online process. Please use the email address to file all correspondence and all evidence. This will ensure that we have an electronic record of your filing and that it will be processed as soon as possible.
Please note that the tribunal is located at the Intellectual Property Office and its sites are currently closed. The tribunal is now operational, though parties should expect some delays. Forms will be processed when tribunal staff are able to access normal office processes.
We are able to accept electronic signatures on forms and other documents. Any new deadlines set will be extended; for example, to file a defence, to file evidence, to change a company name and to appeal the decision of the adjudicators. The setting of deadlines will be kept under review during the coming weeks.
We will continue to update this page with any changes to services, as well as providing more details as they develop.
Updates to this page
Changing to reflect the end of the period of temporary fee changes.
Updated because of the end of the period of interruption
Further information on extension to deadlines
Update regarding the filing of TM7As.
New paragraph on Company Names Tribunal added.
Information on how to file TM33, TM33P or a TM21a added.
Information on notices of opposition (TM7) or threatened opposition (TM7A) added.
First published.