Press release

Andy Samuel appointed to the Met Office Board as non-executive director

The Met Office’s newly appointed non-executive director, Andy Samuel, is a highly respected leader with extensive experience across start-ups, large multinational companies and government.

This was published under the 2022 to 2024 Sunak Conservative government

Andy Samuel, who holds a number of non-executive director roles and is former Chief Executive of the UK’s North Sea Transition Authority, has been appointed as a non-executive director to the Board of the Met Office. 

The non-executive directors support and challenge the executive directors of the Met Office in setting the organisation’s strategic objectives and delivering against agreed Key Performance Indicators. The non-executive directors are encouraged to assist in raising external awareness of the Met Office and its work, and to build beneficial external relationships. Andy brings a wide range of skills and experience. His leadership of transitional change in the energy sector in the field of carbon capture and storage, hydrogen and offshore wind energy in particular will help the Board provide strategic direction to the Met Office as it works to inform government and its customers who work in these sectors.

This appointment has been made in accordance with the Governance Code on Public Appointments. The Met Office is a Trading Fund of the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT).

Commenting on the appointment, Rob Woodward, Non-Executive Chair of the Met Office said:

I am delighted to welcome Dr Andy Samuel to the Met Office Board following an extremely competitive selection process with an outstanding field of candidates. Andy brings a deep knowledge of the energy sector after holding senior positions in BG Group and as CEO of the North Sea Transition Authority. Through his non-executive work he is committed to tackling climate challenges. We look forward to incorporating his expertise to support the Met Office Board as we take on the challenges ahead.

Prof. Penny Endersby, Chief Executive Officer, said:

I welcome Andy’s appointment to the Met Office Board. His expertise in energy security and net zero will help us to understand the needs of government, our partners and customers whilst also helping to shape the Met Office’s own journey to being Net Zero by 2030. Andy’s background brings an immediate link to the Met Office values of being a force for good and experts by nature, and we look forward to benefiting from his leadership experience as we develop further as an organisation.


During his eight-year tenure as chief executive of the UK’s North Sea Transition Authority Andy played a pivotal role in conceiving and delivering on a fresh vision for the UK Continental Shelf.

With a keen focus on climate change and the opportunities arising from the global energy transition, Andy’s work underscored the substantial potential for carbon reduction within the North Sea region. This includes carbon capture and storage, hydrogen, and offshore wind energy.

Andy serves on a number of boards and helps companies formulate and deliver on their energy transition strategies and projects. He co-chaired the Aberdeen Maggie’s cancer charity for five years.

He holds an MA in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University and a PhD from London University and was awarded a CBE for his services to the energy sector.

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Published 20 October 2023