News story

Civil news: face-to-face contracts go-live on 1 September 2019

Start of new contracts for face-to-face advice in education and discrimination matters paves way for removal of mandatory telephone gateway.

Providers can start delivering face-to-face education and discrimination advice from 1 September 2019.

The option of face-to-face services in education and discrimination is possible under new contracts based on the terms of the 2018 Standard Civil Contract.

Removal of telephone gateway

This marks the first step towards the removal of the mandatory civil telephone gateway in the spring of 2020.

From 1 September 2019 prospective clients will still need to contact the CLA operator service or use the digital CLA service.

However, potentially eligible clients seeking help in education or discrimination will have greater freedom to access face-to-face advice. This will mean discussing suitable options with a CLA specialist telephone advice provider.

Once the mandatory telephone gateway has been removed from legislation in 2020 all clients will have the option of contacting face-to-face providers directly.


Training materials were published on GOV.UK on 23 August to help providers prepare to deliver these services. Existing guidance relating to the 2018 Standard Civil Contract and working with the LAA has also been updated.

Further information

CLA contract documents – for new face-to-face contracts

Standard Civil Contract 2018 – scroll down for training content

CLA guidance for contracted providers

Updates to this page

Published 1 September 2019