Civil news: masterpack forms update November 2015
Updated legal aid forms are being introduced from 1 November 2015.
The following forms have been updated for November 2015:
- CW3A
The new versions of the above forms are mandatory from 1 November 2015. In the meantime, these are the transitional arrangements:
CIVAPP and CW3A forms
- The new version can only be used from 1 November onwards.
- Forms signed or dated from 1 November onwards must be the new version.
- Forms signed on or before 31 October should be submitted before 30 November or they may be rejected.
- new versions will be accepted before 1 November.
- forms signed or dated on or after 1 November should be the new version but they will not be rejected if a slightly longer period is taken to introduce them.
While it is preferred that the old versions of the CIVCLAIM forms are submitted within these timescales, caseworkers are able to use their discretion where circumstances require it as there is no legal content to the changes.
A template for the additional information mentioned in the changes to the CIVAPP forms has also been supplied and is on the page with the CIV APP1.
You should note that this template is not a mandatory form, but a guideline for providing the additional information.
This will be acceptable in any format, as long as it contains the information required to assist in the decision-making.
CCMS applications
Updates will also be made within the Client and Cost Management System (CCMS) to ensure consistency. The changes will be rolled out before the changeover on 1 November 2015.