Companies House Direct and WebCHeck services to close later in 2021
These services were due to close by February 2021, but a decision has been made to defer this closure to ensure a smooth transition for our customers.

Companies House Service (CHS) remains our prime company search function and this is where we’re directing our customers.
Dissolved company records have been added to CHS. There are more dissolved records available than ever before with an additional 1.5 million company records uploaded. This information is free and includes the records for all companies dissolved since January 2010.
The government’s response to the Corporate transparency and register reform consultation highlighted the need to balance enhanced corporate transparency with legitimate data privacy concerns.
We’re also developing a dissolved company records index, and this will be available on CHS before the closure of CHD and WebCHeck.
The dissolved company records index will hold basic summary details before 2010 up to 20 years from the date of dissolution. Further information and copies of documents for these companies will still be available on request from our contact centre for a fee.
See our guidance on dissolved records.