Consultation to encourage innovation
DECC launches consultation to ensure regulation in the energy sector encourages innovation, and invites views on effectiveness of current regulatory framework in enabling innovation

DECC has today launched a Consultation to ensure regulation in the energy sector encourages innovation.
It invites stakeholders to offer their views on how effective the current regulatory framework is in enabling innovation.
The consultation focuses on the activities of DECC and the Oil and Gas Authority, with other energy sector regulators undertaking parallel engagement exercises.
Lord Bourne commented:
Innovation has the power to transform the energy sector and the way we live every day.
We are committed to cutting red tape and creating industry environments that foster new ideas and give technologies a commercial edge.
Collaboration is key and I look forward to hearing the ideas from industry so we can ensure an innovative energy sector that works for hardworking families and businesses.
The Consultation on ensuring regulation encourages innovation will run for four weeks.
For more information and to have your say please email