DASA supports Dstl to supercharge science and innovation for defence and security
Demonstrating to government and industry how DASA is helping deliver innovation for a safer future.

Innovation experts from the Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) participated in the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory’s (Dstl) Supercharging Science engagement day, held in Newport on 7 June 2022.
The event set out the Ministry of Defence’s (MOD) most ambitious science and technology (S&T) programmes to date with details on Dstl’s technical challenges and requirements.
Minister for Defence Procurement, Jeremy Quin gave a keynote during which he also previewed the Defence Technology Exploitation Programme (DTEP), a new UK-wide initiative from DASA, which will launch this summer.
DTEP will fund and support collaborative projects between small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and higher-tier Defence suppliers and help them win new business delivering against MOD’s technological priorities.
Presenting at the event Tom Adamson, DASA Innovation Partner for Wales and Anis Mourad, DASA Access to Mentoring and Finance Partner for the Devolved Nations both spoke about the different routes to engage with DASA, the additional support DASA offers to help innovators build the business behind their idea and provided more insight into DTEP.
Tom Adamson, DASA Innovation Partner for Wales said:
Collaboration is central to DASA’s role in finding and funding innovation to support the defence and security of the UK. We were delighted to take part in Dstl’s Supercharging Science event with government and industry working together to use science, technology and innovation to secure strategic advantage for the UK. DASA is committed to supporting innovation and we look forward to officially launching the Defence Technology Exploitation Programme in the near future to further support innovators in how they can work with the Ministry of Defence.
Sign up to the DASA GOV.UK page, Twitter and LinkedIn channels for all DASA’s latest news, including updates on the official DTEP launch.