Foreign Secretary statement on Tianjin explosions and Shaanxi landslide
The Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond expresses his condolences for the loss of lives in Tianjin and Shaanxi

Speaking in Beijing during a two day visit to China, the Foreign Secretary said:
I express my deep condolences for the tragic loss of life and the hundreds injured in the Tianjin explosions.
I was in this vibrant city, meeting local workers at the Airbus factory, just hours before the explosions happened and pay tribute to Tianjin emergency workers who have been fighting fires and treating casualties.
I have conveyed Britain’s condolences to senior Chinese ministers and our Embassy in Beijing is in touch with relevant national and local authorities.
There are no reports so far of any British injured but consular staff are working urgently to establish whether any have been caught up in this terrible incident.
Addressing the Shaanxi landslide, he said:
I offer my condolences to China for the lives lost in the Shaanxi landslide. My thoughts are with the family and friends of the many miners and others who are believed to have died in this tragedy.
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