Full decision published in care home medicine cartel case
The CMA has published the full non-confidential version of an OFT decision made earlier this year about a market-sharing agreement.

The decision relates to the supply of prescription medicines to care homes in England.
In March this year the OFT issued a decision that Hamsard 3149 Limited (Hamsard), its subsidiaries Quantum Pharmaceutical Limited (Quantum) and Total Medication Management Services Limited (trading as Tomms Pharmacy - ‘Tomms’), together with Celesio AG and its subsidiary Lloyds Pharmacy Limited (Lloyds), infringed competition law by entering into a market-sharing agreement in relation to the supply of prescription medicines to care homes in England.
The March decision brought the investigation to a close and followed an earlier settlement agreement in December 2011. The OFT imposed a fine of £370,226 on Hamsard and its subsidiaries. Lloyds brought the matter to the OFT’s attention and, under the OFT’s leniency policy, was not fined.
For more information on this investigation see the case page.