Gauging the health of Old Basing’s ‘green corridor’
Two new flow gauges in the River Loddon will improve The Environment Agency’s ability to monitor the health of the waterway in future.
Installed in two locations in Old Basing with £50,000 of funding from Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council, the gauges will transmit information on the amount of water in the river, and the rate at which it is flowing, to the Environment Agency’s hydrometry team in Wallingford, Oxfordshire.
Analysed as part of a basket of environmental data, this vital additional information will help present a far more detailed picture of the existing health of the river and inform future projects to improve and protect this important ‘green corridor’ through the town.
Since the latter half of the twentieth century, society has been waking up to the damage that industrialisation and urbanisation has wrought on our rivers.
said The Environment Agency’s Mark Barnett.
At the same time, our appreciation of them as crucial elements of eco-systems, ‘green corridors’ sustaining an abundance of plant and animal life well beyond their own banks, and sources of recreation and well-being for ourselves, has grown.
Today, there’s a tremendous amount of work going on to restore and protect rivers. But as our population continues to increase, so does the size of the challenge.
With good environmental data we can work in a far smarter and effective way than we can without it – using it to pinpoint issues and their solutions.
With the introduction of these new gauges, we will have access to more detailed data on the Loddon than ever before.
Maria Miller MP said:
I am delighted that these new flow gauges have been installed on the River Loddon.
This enhanced monitoring will help ensure the Loddon can be better safeguarded against the impacts of any future development – an issue I am passionate about.
Cllr Hayley Eachus said:
The borough council is pleased to be funding this important project which will improve water quality information in the River Loddon.
We have worked closely with the Environment Agency in the development of our Local Plan. This investment will mean close monitoring can be carried out as part of the Environment Agency’s annual programme to ensure water quality is protected.
If you want to know more about what is happening in your river and get involved please contact either Mark Barnett or Amanda Ingham.
Notes to Editor
Throughout the River Loddon catchment, partnership working between the Environment Agency, Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council, Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, local angling groups and many others has delivered a number of projects that have helped improved water quality , seen habitats for wildlife regenerated and improved upstream access for fish past redundant weirs.
For more information on these projects, and to download a copy of the Loddon Catchment Biodiversity Strategy visit
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