News story

Heavier downpours expected as weather front moves north

Low pressure weather system bringing heavier and more intense downpours across England increasing localised flood risk on 10 and 11 August.

Neil Davies, Environment Agency Flood Risk Manager, said:

A low pressure system is passing across England on Sunday 10 August in to Monday, bringing widespread rain, including heavier and more intense downpours in some central and northern places. These heavy showers may lead to localised surface water flooding in some parts of England. The rainfall is accompanied by strong westerly winds, with speeds of up to 70mph in the north east later today. The combination of these gusty conditions with high spring tides bring a risk of spray and wave overtopping leading to a risk of localised coastal flooding along parts of the south west, north west and north east coasts of England.

We have issued a number of flood alerts and warnings across the country, with the possibility of further coastal and river alerts being added later today. We advise people to keep up to date on the latest situation by checking flood risk and listening to local radio. Respect the weather and don’t put you or your loved ones at risk by driving through flood waters or getting too close to large waves. Stay safe, keep clear of promenades and don’t be tempted to put yourself at risk.

The Environment Agency is continuing to monitor the situation closely along with the Met Office, and is working closely with local authorities and emergency services to ensure we’re ready for whatever these unsettled conditions may bring. We’re also working with tourist businesses including caravan and campsites, to ensure they receive warnings and take sensible precautions. Our teams are out on the ground, ensuring coastal flood defences are ready, rivers can flow freely and clearing trash screens.

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Published 8 August 2014